Shapes Tracing Worksheets Free Printable

Shapes Tracing Worksheets Free Printable

Help your child master basic shapes through this preschool printable- Shapes Tracing Worksheets Free Printable!

Shapes Tracing Worksheets Free Printable

Recognizing basic shapes is a fundamental lesson in preschool. In fact, most (if not all) curriculum introduce it first before letters and numbers.

Learning basic shapes aids children identify and organise visual information. It helps them process what they see and make better connections thus leading to higher retention of new information. 

For example, a child who has learned/ mastered shapes could easily connect the uppercase A with a triangle. Or zero with an oval. Ultimately, the more connections they make, the easier they’ll remember and learn new concepts. 

In addition, learning shapes also helps children make sense of other signs and symbols, e.g. circle – go, cross – stop, star – great job, heart – love, etc…

Personally, I love teaching shapes. There are just so many ways to introduce and teach this lesson.

Fun Ways To Teach Basic Shapes

  1. Go on a shape hunt- Cut out shapes out of paper and have fun searching your home or school for objects that match the shapes.
  2. Play hopscotch- Draw shapes on the ground as play hopscotch as usual. Level up by challenging your child to only land on specific shapes.
  3. Be a shape collector- Ask your child to gather different objects and sort them into piles according to shapes. 
  4. Mold, build and make- Form different shapes using play dough, blocks, sand and/or other materials.
  5. Paint with shapes- Cut out shapes out of foam and do painting or stamping with it.
  6. Bake a shape- Bake your favorite cookie dish and ask your child to hold them into shapes. 
  7. Watch Fables by Shapes– I love this series! It retells beloved children’s stories using shapes.
  8. Read storybooks- Let storybooks teach your child about shapes. 
  9. Draw a picture- Ask your child to draw a picture using basic shapes only and see how she comes up with an interesting and creative work. 
  10. Play card games- Play a matching game using shapes cards. 


When you’re done with all the fun activities, reinforce your child’s learning by practicing on paper. Help your child learn shapes and develop his fine motor skills using worksheets. This activity is a great supplement to your line-up of activities. 

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Shapes Tracing Worksheets Free Printable

Click here for more tracing shapes worksheets.

Teacher’s Note:

Use everyday objects to teach about shapes. 

Explore your surroundings and actively hunt for shapes. 

These Other Tracing Worksheets Might Interest You: 

Tracing Lines Worksheets

Trace and Color Numbers

Uppercase Letters Tracing

Lowercase Letters Tracing

Or just visit my Free Printable Page for more!

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Happy learning,

The Teaching Aunt Signature: Teacher Nessy

5 Responses

  1. Hi,
    I am so glad and thankful for your effort. I am a single mom and I don’t have so much of fund to buy materials to teach my 3 year old daughter. You have not only provided the free materials but also the ideas.. I am so thankful.

  2. Hello!
    My name is Carolina & I have a 2 1/2 y.o. We were starting to run out of ideas. You’ve saved us! Thank you for your awesome blog! Xo

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